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about alex & Present radical


Present Radical is the new home to Alex P Solome's growing writing and photography portfolio.

Consistent themes in the content shared on this page will feature mountain adventure, animals, 4x4s, and happy people engrossed in their environment.  Journeys across terrain in the US and abroad draw hope to lead us further within ourselves.

Alex is a 27 year old Chicagoland native currently living in Boulder, Colorado.  He is an Eagle Scout, a recreational athlete of many forms, and a graduate of the University of Illinois.  He pays for his adventures with a full-time job in manufacturing quality assurance, having recently bridged himself into the automotive industry.  

The name Present Radical was picked off a rap music collective's album cover many years ago.  'Present' was then used as a verb, as in OFWGKTA Present "Radical".  Alex's intent is to use the word as an adjective while 'Radical' is left to interpretation between its noun and adjective form.  This site will become a collection of actions and ideas perhaps found radical and presented to you as a narrative in contemporary time.



(used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm


Feel free to contact Alex below.  Everything's for sale.